Threat Warning – Alarm and Warning task
The Warning Suite (WS, i.e. RWR,EOWR and LWR) has to provide continuous 360º bearing coverage to automatically detect and identify threat types, determine their bearing and lethality and then alerts the crew about each threat with a graphical symbol on the cockpit multifunction display (MFD) or video display.

Figure 1: SPS Configuration
The system also gives the aircrew synthetic speech audio threat warnings, enabling pilots to maintain a “hands on/heads up” posture.
The threat information greatly enhances aircrew situational awareness, providing ample time to execute evasive manoeuvres or deploy active countermeasures.
The EWC2 of the SIS processes integrates and displays the on-board sensors (RF/IR/EO) data. The EWC2 is usually provided with the capability to manage the countermeasures, hence it can automatically initiate optimal countermeasures with chaff, flares, RF jamming or directional infrared countermeasures (DIRCM), otherwise it is the crew’s task (semi-automatic mode) to initiate them.
Figure 2: SPS Physical configuration
The SIS provides full mission data recording to include all sensor information as well as other mission data such as GPS, time and maintenance activity.
Its post-mission playback capability allows for the review and analysis of the performed missions.