Specific Emitter identification for Radar Signals
Specific Emitter Identification (SEI) is a more powerful process, able to provide a more complete recognition assigning a unique identity to each intercepted emitter: the radar id.
SEI is a sort of enhanced fingerprinting available in enhanced ELINT or ESM Systems (Figure 1).
While the Identification process is based on the RF emitter elementary parameters, the SEI process measures more in depth RF emitter characteristics.
The SEI process is based on the measurement of some characteristic parameters of each specific radar (about 200 different characteristics are measured) called UMOP (Unintentional Modulation on Pulse) or unintentional modulations in the pulse. These characteristics are identifying the particular radar as the fingerprints are identifying the particular human being.
Figure 2 shows how the SEI identification works.

Figure 1: Radar Fingerprint Process
The standard identification is an automatic process applied for each track synthesized by the system.
The identification result is the Radar Type, in this case the “Furuno DRS12A”, which is associated to the “Floréal-class Frigates”.
The SEI Function measure in details the Radar Emission comparing the measurements with a very detailed SEI database. The result in this case is the specific Radar S/N 00823 that allow the identification of the F734 Vendémiaire (Floréal-class frigate). The SEI database is created during several missions and iterated observations of the same radar signal.

Figure 2: Typical SEI operation