Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
Edgar L. and Harold Buttner Chair at EECS Department, UC Berkeley
Massimo Sciotti
Brig. Gen. Giuseppe Sgamba
Gianluigi Sorgi
Sergio Tortora
Andrea Usai
Fabrizio Vergari
EW Scientist
Vittorio Vitello
Paul J. Westcott
Thomas Withington
Antonio Zaccaron
To know more about this topic please read the following entries: RESM Antennas (coming soon) Receiver Architecture in EW and ELINT
To know more about this topic please read the following entries: Direction Finding in RESM De-interleaving Process in RESM Identification process...
To know more about this topic please read the following entries: Active Phased Array Jammer (coming soon) Radio Frequency Power Generation (coming...